Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Definition of Art

I believe there is no one, set in stone, definition of art. I truly believe that everyone’s definition of art differs according to who he or she is as a human being. People all have different perspectives and see what they choose to see. I chose this picture to represent my definition of art because it provides an opportunity for differing perspectives. This is an illusion of both an old woman and a young lady. Some people see the young lady and not the old woman, where as others see just the old woman. As with other forms of art people see what they see and it may or may not be what others see. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. Art is the same way. It all lies in the perspective of an individual.

1 comment:

  1. Hello.
    You said that art has no set in stone definition of art. I am just curious but do you not think the next statement you said "everyone’s definition of art differs according to who he or she is as a human being" sort of implies that there is a definition of art? From this statement I had a feeling that you are defining art as "connection between the knowledge and vision." Since people have different knowledge about anything, they will see and define things differently.

    Hyun Ki Lee
